Huawei Nova 11 was announced on 17 April 2023. The handset has a 6.7 inches OLED Display and FHD+ resolution. It runs on Harmony OS 3.0 OS and comes with a Dual 50MP back camera, a 60MP selfie shooter, Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G 4G (6 nm) chipset, 8GB RAM, 128GB / 256GB / 512GB Storage, and a 4500mAh battery. Huawei Nova 11 supports an accelerometer, compass, fingerprint (under display, optical), gyro, and proximity sensors. The Expected Price of Huawei Nova 11 in Pakistan is Rs. 110,999 PKR.
Huawei Mobile - Huawei Nova 11 Price in Pakistan
Expected Rs. 110999.00
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