Huawei P60 Pro Plus is an upcoming smartphone. The handset has a 6.52-inch OLED display and 1224 x 2700 pixels resolution. It runs on HarmonyOS 3.0 and comes with a triple rear camera setup including a 64MP back camera, 32MP selfie shooters, 8GB / 12GB RAM, 128GB / 512GB storage, Qualcomm SM8450 Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Chipset and a 4500mAh battery. Huawei P60 Pro Plus supports fingerprint, accelerometer, gyro, compass and Proximity sensors. The price of the Huawei P60 Pro Plus in Pakistan is Rs. 210,500.
Huawei Mobile - Huawei P60 Pro Plus Price in Pakistan
Expected Rs. 210500.00
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